There are two byelaws in force within the City of Glasgow.
Byelaws on Drinking in Public Places
These byelaws were originally introduced in August 1996 under sections 201-203 of the local government (Scotland) Act 1973 and amended in 2008 under section 202A of the same Act.
The amended byelaws which are currently in force were confirmed on 22 January 2008 and came into force on 25 January 2008.
Under these byelaws, subject to certain exceptions, any person who consumes alcoholic liquor in a designated place or is found to be in possession of an open container containing alcohol in a designated place shall be guilty of an offence.
- Glasgow City Council Byelaws Prohibiting the Consumption of Alcoholic Liquor in Designated Places (PDF, 482 KB)
- Detailed plan of the Area Under Exception from the Byelaw (PDF, 2 MB)
A review of these byelaws took place in 2018. A report on the review was presented to the Council's City Administration Committee on 10 October 2019. The Committee agreed on this date, that in light of the views expressed in the Glasgow Household Survey 2018 and taking into account responses from consultees, the byelaws in Glasgow would remain in effect.
The full Report to Committee and the Minute can be viewed here.
Byelaws on the Employment of Children
These byelaws came into force in June 1999 and were updated in May 2015 under section 28(2) and 30(2) of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937.
Any child under the age of 16 years requires a permit from Glasgow City Council to work part-time or during school holidays.