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Digital Housing Strategy

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Glasgow City Council has led the development of a a Digital Housing Strategy for the city in partnership with Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and other partners that have an interest in housing. 

The strategy has been developed around 4 digital themes that relate to housing. The themes include:

  • Data
  • Digital Inclusion
  • Systems and Services; and
  • Technology.

Developing the strategy has provided an opportunity for Glasgow City Council and partners to identify the current position of digital provision specifically to the 4 identified themes.  We have carried out a range of engagement activity with partners across the housing sector.  The data provided by RSLs, private landlords, Glasgow City Council Services, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership and other partners has been valuable in shaping this strategy.

The strategy outlines digital services that are currently provided by partners.  Key challenges that face the housing sector, priorities that we have worked with partners to develop and a plan to address issues and improve services going forward are also included in the strategy.

What is the purpose of the Digital Housing Strategy?

We have developed a Digital Housing Strategy to:

  • Promote the use of digital platforms to improve access housing and housing services in Glasgow;
  • Outline the housing challenges and benefits that can be achieved from switching to digital platforms;
  • Raise awareness of technologies available and promote how these can be used to enhance services and quality of housing including conditions;
  • Work towards ensuring all of Glasgow's population are connected to the internet and have a broadband connection and a consistent level of access to online services;
  • Improve the collection and analysis of data; and
  • Showcase good practice examples of digital projects and services delivered by partners.


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Last modified on 02 May 2024

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