Scottish Gaelic is a Celtic language closely related to Irish and Manx Gaelic and has existed in Scotland since at least the 6th Century AD.
The language was once spoken across practically all of Scotland and was the language of the royal court for hundreds of years.
In a recent history of the Gaelic community in Glasgow, it is suggested that, in the later eleventh and twelfth century, Glasgow and its surrounding areas were predominantly Gaelic speaking.
Over the past two centuries, official discouragement and neglect has hastened Gaelic's decline across Scotland.
In recent decades, however, there has been a fresh interest in the language. With over 10% of Scotland's Gaelic speakers, the largest number out with the Western Isles, Glasgow can be seen as the centre for Gaelic culture in mainland Scotland.
How is the language being promoted?
Glasgow has been home to Gaelic speakers for centuries and more people than ever before are motivated to learn and reach fluency in the language. The city has a thriving learning and cultural environment with an increasing number of our citizens accessing Gaelic learning, music, art, and literature. With a sense of history and unique cultural identity, Gaelic continues to attract people from across all social and economic backgrounds.
Glasgow has led the way in various aspects of Gaelic development but in particular in Gaelic Medium Education (GME), with the the first Gaelic Medium unit opening in the city in 1985.
Today, Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu (Glasgow Gaelic School - nursery, primary and secondary), Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dail (Glendale Gaelic Primary School), Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Bhaile a' Ghobhainn (Govan Gaelic Primary School), Rowena nursery and Lyoncross nursery teach over 1000 children through the medium of Gaelic. For them, bilingualism in Gaelic and English is the norm. As several research studies have shown, bilingualism provides advantages in communication, culture, cognitive development, character, the curriculum and employment.
Children in English Medium Education (EME) are also beginning to leave their classrooms with new found Gaelic language skills and songs, and most importantly an understanding of the importance of Gaelic to the cultural heritage of Glasgow and of Scotland as a whole.
Gaelic is more than just an academic subject in schools. It is, for an increasing number of people, the way they choose to communicate with others and the way they choose to live their lives.
What are you doing to safeguard the language?
By actively supporting the language and raising its profile we will contribute to efforts to safeguard Gaelic's future as an official language of Scotland commanding equal respect to the English language.
It is through the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 that this aim was set, and through which the newly established public body of Bòrd na Gàidhlig was given responsibility for the promotion and growth of the language, as well as securing its status and long-term future.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig has the authority to request public bodies to prepare and implement Gaelic Language Plans, and it is through this that we produced our first Gaelic Language Plan in 2009.
Where can I find out more?
The following are partners through our Gaelic Language Plan:
- An Lòchran - Gaelic arts development agency
- BBC Alba - Gaelic language television channel
- Bòrd na Gàidhlig - National Gaelic language board
- Comhairle nan Leabhraichean - Gaelic Books Council
- Comunn na Gàidhlig - Gaelic development agency
- Glasgow University: Celtic and Gaelic - Provider of Gaelic related degrees and research.
- Learn Gaelic - Online resource for Gaelic learners
- Glaschu Beò - Glasgow Life Gaelic Activity
- Spòrs Ghlaschu - Gaelic sports group
- Kelvin College - Provider of further education, delivering Gaelic learning
Gaelic Language Plan 2023 to 2028
The Gaelic Language Plan 2023 to 2028 is currently available. Gaelic Language Plan 2023 to 2028 (PDF, 7 MB)
Impact of 'Gaelic Economy' in Glasgow report
The council - supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig - commissioned a research study into the value of the 'Gaelic Economy' in Glasgow.
The aim of the study was to demonstrate the value, growth, and impact of Gaelic in Glasgow. The study considered the economic value of Gaelic, the growth in its use, and how the language and culture impacted on the wellbeing of Glasgow.
The report is available to view here.
News stories
This section provides details on work being undertaken to promote Gaelic in Glasgow
- Gifted Conductor given British Empire Medal for Gaelic Choral Music
- Glasgow's Gaelic Community Offered Carbon Literacy Training
Gaelic in Glasgow - Community Survey
Glasgow City Council and the University of Glasgow have been working on research and development initiatives that will help shape and support a strong and sustainable future for Scottish Gaelic language and culture in Glasgow.
To read more about this, please see below:
- Executive summary - Gaelic in Glasgow Community Survey 2024 (Gaelic version) (Word doc, 26 KB)
- Executive summary - Gaelic in Glasgow Community Survey 2024 (English version) (Word doc, 19 KB)
- Final Report - Gaelic in Glasgow Community Survey 2024 (Word doc, 2 MB)
- Gaelic in Glasgow Poster (Gaelic version) (powerpoint, 11 MB)
- Gaelic in Glasgow Poster (English version) (powerpoint, 11 MB)
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