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George Square

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George Square - The City's Civic Space

Birds eye view of George Square

George Square | St Vincent Place | Cochrane St | West George St | George St | George Square - Montrose St

The finish and feel of the final design will create more space for people within George Square and provide better space for events and social interaction. 

George Square Rendered Plan

This regeneration in the heart of the city, alongside the wider Avenues programme and other key city centre projects, aims to collectively:

  • promote economic growth,
  • improve air quality,
  • enhance biodiversity through tree planting and greenery,
  • encourage active travel and walking, and
  • introduce sustainable drainage infrastructure.

Together, these initiatives reinforce the city's commitment to a more sustainable and inclusive future for everyone.

The Avenues programme forms part of the City Centre Strategy. The priority of this programme is about creating inclusive and sustainable space for people through quality public realm, green infrastructure and innovative technology.

Design Principles

Design Principles
New public realm space   High quality materials, planting and landscapingA greener square promoting clean air
New incidental play and sensory gardens Segregated cycleways and wider pavementsIncreased seating and resting opportunities
Accessible event space all year roundSustainable drainage and flood mitigationArchitectural lighting features



The design process for George Square and the surrounding Avenues has been shaped by extensive stakeholder engagement. These consultations included workshops, on-street engagement, and online questionnaires. The feedback gathered from these type of activities aim to shape the new placemaking approach to street design.

The key points taken from the consultation are summarised below:

  • Diagonal desire lines for the Square should be incorporated into the design, allowing pedestrian cut throughs of the long benches and continuous rain gardens
  • Planting should maximise biodiversity and utilise native species.
  • Lighting strategy should be presented in next stage of engagement
  • Separation of cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicular traffic must be consistent and substantial (not just ground material changes) relevant to George Square and the Avenues
  • Seating orientation should be considered to provide the best views and to face the sun
  • Accessibility should not be an afterthought but a design driver. It is recommended that as designs get more detailed, safety of the public should be a priority
  • More diverse seating options should be included - both in terms of the type of seating (e.g. bench, picnic table, social seating) and the positioning of seating (e.g. by a cafe, under tree canopy, within planting, with a view).
  • Tree position should allow for important vistas to impressive architecture and/or businesses surrounding the Square
  • The inclusion of a feature such as a water feature or a 'Fourth Plinth' style public art installation should be considered. Participants did not demonstrate an emotional attachment to the existing statues. It is recommended that a less formal, bolder approach could be undertaken to relocate within the city and free up space in the Square itself for alternative features: play, contemporary art, curated 'Fourth Plinth' and water features all mentioned as being more of interest than the "statues of the 1% from history".


Design Team


Design Team is Led by John McAslan & Partners
Meet the Team

Glasgow City Council has appointed a team led by John McAslan & Partners to work closely in collaboration with the council and the community to redevelop George Square and the surrounding Avenues (EIIPR Block C). 


The programme is funded by the Glasgow City Region City Deal, which includes contributions from both the Scottish and UK Governments.

Proposed Design Plans


Design Concepts

Image(s) shows artist impression of George Square:

George Square Facing East
George Street
George Square Facing North West
Cochrane Street
John Street facing south towards City Chambers
North Hanover Street facing George Square
West George Street facing West

Double click on the images to see larger image.


Last modified on 17 February 2025

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