Hillhead Restricted Parking Zone

The Hillhead Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) now has the signage in place and has been designated as part of the wider W3 zone which includes Dowanhill, Hillhead, Hyndland Hughenden Dowanhill West, Partick and Yorkhill. Anyone with a W3 permit can park within the shared use parking bays in any of these areas.
These zones can be viewed here.
The next phase of the works are the lining works which are due to commence on the 23 April 2024. You may see the contractor within the local area. Initially they will carry out those works they are able to do without full road closures.
However, it is anticipated that road closures will be required in the near future. There will be advance notice of these works with signs, notices, and yellow coning. In addition, parking attendants and a vehicle uplift truck may also be present to ensure maximum compliance.
We would be grateful if the local community adhere to any temporary restrictions we may require to put in place. This will minimise any disruption to the local community and should prevent roads requiring to be closed on more than one occasion.
Lining update:
Hillhead was previously a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) which required all restrictions to have both yellow and white roadmarkings to make it enforceable whereas the recently introduced RPZ only requires white roadmarkings such as parking bays, loading bays, disabled, motorcycle etc to make it enforceable. The zone entry signs as show above are the legislative signs that make the RPZ enforceable. Therefore any yellow lines within the zone will be covered up but this will not affect enforcement of the RPZ.
Usually the lines would be removed by using a thermal lance, however this method can generate fumes and in the case of Hillhead RPZ there is a significant volume of lining to be removed which could be environmentally intrusive.
The lining works currently being carried out are being carried out in phases
- screeding over the white resident letters
- black paint covering the yellow lining
- refreshing the lining to be retained
- installation of new lining works
As mentioned above future road closures may be required.
Further lining works are planned for week commencing Monday 10 June 2024. Due to previous access difficulties experience by the contractor for these sections of road, as described in the attached Hillhead TTRN (PDF, 119 KB)(opens new window), these areas will be coned off and parking, waiting and loading will be temporary unavailable. Co-operation with these restrictions would be appreciated and we will have Parking Attendants on site.
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