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Long Term Conditions and Macmillan Service

Are you struggling to cope financially due to ill health?

Are you or do you know of anyone who has been diagnosed with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cancer, heart failure or stroke and is unable to access services because they are in hospital or who has difficulty getting out of their house?

Long Term Conditions and Macmillan Service is free and confidential money advice and support service who can help you with:

  • Debt advice
  • Money management
  • Benefit advice
  • Housing issues

Our team will provide you with (this service is free and confidential):

  • Expert financial and benefit advice
  • Help with the benefit claim process
  • Help appealing against any refusal of benefit
  • Help with housing issues, to ensure that your tenancy is not at risk
  • Help with your finances by offering advice and work on your behalf with your creditors.

The service can provide support on the following platforms:

  • Face-to-face within all of Glasgow's major hospitals and other outreach settings
  • Over the telephone
  • Online via video call

If you would like to know more about our assistance then please call our team or visit our website.

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Last modified on 02 May 2024

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