New Supply Shared Equity
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What is it?
Glasgow City Council operates the New Supply Shared Equity (formerly Homestake) scheme within the Glasgow area, on behalf of the Scottish Government.
The New Supply Shared Equity Scheme aims to help people on low incomes who wish to own their home but who cannot afford to pay the full price for a house. It is part of a range of assistance from the Scottish Government under its Low-cost Initiative for First Time Buyers, LIFT.
This scheme is provided through Registered Social Landlords (Housing Associations).
Who are are Partners?
Glasgow City Council is currently working with Housing Associations across the city to fund new homes that will be sold through the scheme.
- Frequently Asked Questions on the New Supply Shared Equity Scheme Initiative [30kb] (PDF, 36 KB)(opens new window)
- General Information about the New Supply Shared Equity Initiative from the Scottish Government
- New Supply Shared Equity leaflet from the Scottish Government
- Housing Association who are developing New Supply Shared Equity properties in the city
If you would like further information about the New Supply Shared Equity Initiative in the Glasgow area, please contact:
Housing Investment
Glasgow City Council
231 George Street
Glasgow G1 1RX
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