Public Petitions

Welcome to Glasgow City Council Public Petition

Due to ongoing issues with our software supplier, we are currently unable to provide public petitions online. 

You can still download the Petitions form and submit them for consideration as normal.  However, signatures will need to be collected in person or as a temporary measure, you can collect email addresses, together with an email to confirm the person is happy to support the petition. 

To submit petitions via email, you should gather 25 email addresses together with an email from each person confirming their support.  Emails should read, "I (insert name, address and post code), confirm that I am in support of the petition (insert petition name)", the 25 emails should be forwarded to the Petitions website for consideration.

If you would like to create a petition you need to be a Glasgow resident or a business/organisation based in Glasgow and provide basic personal information and contact details so we can contact you about your petition.   

Please make sure you read the guidance before you write your petition. 


You can submit a petition by email ( or by post to:-

Committee Services
Chief Executive's Department
Glasgow City Council
City Chambers Glasgow

G2 1DU

Last modified on 04 November 2024

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