Statutory Performance Indicators
What is it?
The statutory performance indicators aim to give citizens a basic overview of how we are performing on a range of services.
Since 2019 the indicators have been reported as part of the Local Government Benchmarking Framework and to the Scottish Government.
Current report
Statutory Performance Indicator - 2018-19 (PDF, 324 KB)
Previous reports
- SPI - 2017 - 18 (PDF, 148 KB)
- SPI - 2016 - 17 (PDF, 152 KB)
- SPI 2015-16 (PDF, 153 KB)
- SPI 2014-15 (PDF, 151 KB)
- SPI - 2013 - 14 (PDF, 150 KB)
- SPI - 2012 - 13 (PDF, 141 KB)
Last modified on 31 October 2024