Young Persons Guarantee
Email| Freephone 0300 123 2898 | Text 07393 753 298
Where to start?
Unsure about what job you want, or how to get there? Help is here:
- If you are about to leave school, then speak with your School Careers Advisor
- If you have left school and would like advice or guidance contact your Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Careers Advisor
- If you are not currently supported in your search for work, then call Jobs and Business Glasgow: 0300 123 2898
What are your Options?
Here are some of the options that you can access through a career's advisor or Jobs and Business Glasgow:
Young Person's Guarantee
There are many different routes into work, and we want to support you to choose the path that's right for you. That is why Glasgow City Council is supporting the Young Person's Guarantee to help you get a foot in the job market.
Glasgow City Council works with different organisations to help young people join the world of work, whether you want:
- a job
- an apprenticeship
- access to further education
- a training programme
- a volunteer work placement
The Young Person's Guarantee School Leavers Toolkit supports young people as they start out in their transition to the post-school world.
The School Leavers Toolkit, an information resource to support young people as they transition into the post-school world, is now live.
There's lots of information available and we know from that it can be challenging for young people to find the practical life advice they need, when they need it.
The Toolkit covers a range of topics including mental well-being, work and pay, finances, moving out and housing options, community engagement and young people's rights.
Find it here.
Glasgow Guarantee
If you are unemployed or about to leave education and live in Glasgow this programme may be for you. Glasgow Guarantee advertises good local jobs and apprenticeships including Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Life and City Building modern apprenticeships.
Glasgow Code Learning
If you are unemployed and aged 16 - 24 years and interested in a well-paid career in the digital economy this project can help you obtain the necessary qualifications for an accelerated route into employment. Contact Glasgow Code Learning directly by Email.
Volunteering Placement with Glasgow Life and Glasgow Council for Voluntary Sector

If you are unemployed and aged 16 - 24 years and not yet ready for paid employment, then a volunteering work placement may be right for you! Volunteer placements are tailored to give you a taste of the type of job you might want and provides the extra support you may need. Email for more information.
Further help and information
- My World of Work
- Apprenticeships. Find out how to become an apprentice, which careers are available and employers are offering them.