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Supplementary Planning Information

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Planning Processing Agreement

We now offer the opportunity to applicants to enter into a Processing Agreement for all Major or National development proposals. Processing Agreements are a flexible tool that takes the format of an agreed framework for processing an application, ensuring that the planning process is project managed in a clear way.

Early contact with the planning authority is encouraged, especially before a Proposal of Application notice is submitted for a Major/National application. Use the form to contact the relevant Group Manager to discuss whether a processing agreement will be appropriate.

Please read the guidance note, which provides further information on Processing Agreements and the information required.

Hazardous Substances Consent

Use the Hazardous Substances Consent form when you are making an application under Hazardous Substances Regulations. Schedule 1, showing materials and amounts which are considered to be hazardous is below:


Initiation and Completion Notices

Complete these forms to notify us work has started or completed on site:


Flood Risk and Drainage Impact Assessments

Planning Guidance for Developers. This guidance is to assist developers and engineers to produce Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) and Drainage Impact Assessments (DIA's).

Planning Officers should advise applicants in the planning process and building warrant process of the requirements to produce FRA's and DIA's in line with this guidance and to provide the necessary compliance and independent check certification.


Hillington Simplified Planning Zone

A Simplified Planning Zone is an area where the need to apply for planning permission for certain types of development is removed so long as the development complies with the details and guidance set out in the Scheme.

An SPZ Scheme deals with the planning issues 'up front' and confirms what type of development, and how much, is allowed.

There are currently no SPZ Schemes in Glasgow after the Hillington Park Simplified Planning Zone Scheme came to an end on the 1 October 2024.

Advertisement Consent

The term 'advertisement' is described in the 1984 regulations as a word, letter, sign, placard or device used to advertise or make an announcement or direction. It may be illuminated or not.  You can make an application here or you may wish to apply for pre-application for engagement and feedback on proposal.

Guidance for Applying

In addition to completing and submitting the application form, you will need to:

Provide a location plan using a scale of 1:1250and showing a north point, at least two named roads, and surrounding buildings numbered for site identification.

  • The application site must be clearly marked with a red line and include all land required for the proposed advertisement.
  • A blue line must be drawn around any other land you own, close to or joined onto the application site.
  • You must provide drawingsto clearly show the proposed advertisement, with dimensions and its position on the land or buildings. In addition, please

Show where (and by what distance) it would protrude from a building.

  • Give details of the materials to be used, fixings, colours, and the height of the advertisement above the ground.

Provide the following plans to a recognise metric and scale bar attached with your application.

  • A site plan or block plan showing the position of the advertisement in relation to buildings and site boundaries.
  • Elevations and section drawings through signage showing the size of the advertisement.

All drawings should be to scale and have a scale bar.

Include notes confirming whether the advertisement will be illuminated or not in the plans you are submitting.

  • If it will be illuminated, you must indicate the type of lighting (e.g., internal lights or spotlights) and intended colour.

You should show full details of the lettering and motifs and the materials you intend to use.

Please apply directly by clicking how do I apply and follow the Advertisement Consent Form Guidance for more information.


Prior Notification and Prior Approval

Prior notification is a procedure where a developer must tell the planning authority about their proposals before taking advantage of permitted development rights. The result will be a decision that 'prior approval' is or is not needed.

If the decision is that approval is needed, the planning authority may ask for more information before they can decide whether to give prior approval.

If the planning authority decide to grant prior approval, they may set conditions or limitations that you will have to meet as well as any restrictions that apply to the development set out in the General Permitted Development Order (GDPO).

The "application for prior notification form" allows you to tell the planning authority about certain proposals which benefit from permitted development rights so they can decide whether you need to get approval beforehand (prior approval).

Please use the new Prior Notification and Prior Approval application in pdf format and follow the updated Guidance for making a Prior Notification and Prior Approval.  

Please complete this form and submit it directly to the Planning Authority. See the planning fees for the fee required and how to make payment for this service.

Please remember to include the Reference No: PRN (and quote the property address for the application), e.g., PRN231GeorgeSt, when making payment.

You will receive confirmation within 28 days advising that the request has been received and will be advised that either further information is required or that a case officer has been appointed and will contact you regarding the outcome.

Apply by Post

Paper forms are available to download from the ePlanning Scotland should you require to submit your application by post. Please post your application to:

Development Management
Planning and Buildings Standards
Glasgow City Council
231 George Street
Glasgow G1 1RX

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Last modified on 21 October 2024

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