Planning Policies and Strategies

Information and guidance on Statutory and Non Statutory Planning Policies and Plans, Design Guidance and Strategic and Local Development Frameworks can be found below:
National Planning Framework 4
Information on the Scottish Government's National Planning Framework (NPF 4).
NPF4 Effect on Applications
Advice and guidance on the NPF4 Effect Upon Assessment and Determination of Applications.
Development Plan
Adopted City Development Plan with associated Supplementary Guidance and information on the Emerging Plan.
Scottish Planning Legislation
Information and guidance on Scotland's Planning System Reforms under The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 Act.
Supplementary Guidance
Supplementary Guidance explains how the City Development Plan's policies are implemented and used in the determination of planning applications.
Development Frameworks
Information about Strategic Development Frameworks (SDFs) and Local Development Frameworks (LDFs).
Non Statutory Planning Guidance
Advice and guidance on Non-statutory Planning policies including design guides.
Open Space Strategy
Information about the adopted Open Space Strategy and the Monitoring of Open Space and Public Realm Projects.
Forestry and Woodland Strategy
Information about the Draft Forestry and Woodland Strategy which directs tree planting to the most appropriate locations.
Town Centre Pilot Payday Lenders and Betting Shops
Information on Town Centre Pilot Payday Lenders and Betting Shops.