Planning Performance

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We provide bi-annual statistics to the Scottish Government which report on the speed of decision making for planning applications.
National Planning Improvement Framework
The Planning Performance Framework which ran from 2013-2023 is being replaced by the National Planning Improvement Framework (NPIF) which was developed by the Improvement Service and is being tested incrementally in three separate cohorts throughout 2024-25. Further information on the NPIF can be found here.
Glasgow participated in the first cohort and was peered with Edinburgh. Please see Glasgow's NPIF Performance Assessment and Improvement Action Plan here.
Planning Performance Framework
The National Planning Improvement Framework (NPIF) is replacing the Planning Performance Framework (PPF) which was an Annual Report to the Scottish Government to describe the performance and successes of the Planning Service. The PPF ran from 2013 and 2023.
Links to these can be found in the following:
- Planning Performance Framework 2022-2023
- Planning Performance Framework 2021-2022
- Planning Performance Framework 2020-2021 Story Map
- Planning Performance Framework 2019 - 2020
- Planning Performance Framework 2018-2019 (PDF, 13 MB)(opens new window)
- Planning Performance Framework 2017-2018 (PDF, 13 MB)(opens new window)
- Planning Performance Framework 2016-2017 (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)
- Planning Performance Framework 2015-2016 (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)
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