Area Based Schemes
Email (opens new window)Expression of Interest FormGuidance Notes
The Scottish Government's Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Schemes 2020 is a successor to the Home Energy Efficiency Programme (HEEPs) Programme.
The programme has been delivering energy efficiency measures to owner occupied and private landlord owned properties for over 7 years. In addition the council works with Registered Social Landlords to assist owners in mixed tenure blocks where the Housing Association are planning to deliver energy efficiency measures to blocks of flatted properties.
Home Energy Scotland provides free, independent and impartial energy advice to householders, community groups and businesses throughout Scotland.
The scheme is supported by funding from the Scottish Government in partnership with a range of advice providers and energy companies and supported by Glasgow City Council and other local authorities.
Aims of the Scheme
Energy Efficient Scotland will continue to build on the key objectives of the area-based approach which are to:
- Upgrade Scotland's housing stock
- Tackle fuel poverty
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Lever in Energy Company Obligation funding
- Support the local economy and sustainable local economic development
- Provide home owners and landlords with access to grant funding which meets the Scottish Government's future minimum energy efficiency standards.
View the Route Map published in May 2018 which sets out the standards for each of the housing sectors.
Eligibility Criteria
Residents will have received a letter from the council inviting them to participate in an Area Based Scheme project. The letter will tell you about the proposed Energy Efficiency Works planned for your area and ask if you would be interested in joining in the project.
Only those who receive a letter about a future project are eligible to participate.
The projects areas are identified in line with the guidance issued by the Scottish Government.
ECO Statement of Intent (SOI)
Our first ECO3 Statement of Intent (SOI) was dated 1 October 2018 and was superceded by the undernoted:
- The first SOI was superseded on the 5 November 2019.
- The Second SOI was superseded on the 11 October 2020.
- The third SOI was superseded on the 17 November 2022.
These documents can be found under related documents.
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