Application Forms and Guidance Notes

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Building Standards Application Forms and Guidance Notes are available below.
All downloadable documents on this website are available as PDF files which requires an Adobe Reader to view. This software can be freely downloaded from the Adobe Website.
- The application forms and guidance notes on this site are updated in accordance with the Building (Scotland) Act 2003, which came into force on the 1st May 2005.
Download/Complete and Submit
The following forms can be download, completed and submitted to Building Standards and Public Safety:
- Notice of Finalisation of Design Details (PDF, 127 KB)(opens new window)
- Application for a Letter of Comfort (PDF, 344 KB)(opens new window)
- Letter of Comfort of Guidance Notes (PDF, 118 KB)(opens new window)
The privacy statement that relates to the above application forms is the Planning and Building Standards Statutory Functions.
Submission of Forms
All completed application form(s) with the appropriate fee (where applicable) should be sent to:
Building Standards and Public Safety
Glasgow City Council
231 George Street
Glasgow G1 1RX
Forms on eBuilding Standards Portal
The following submissions are available via the eBuilding Standards portal:
- Building Warrant Application
- Amendment to Building Warrant
- Completion Certificate - Submission
- Completion Certificate where no building warrant obtained - Submission
- Notice of intention to use an approved Certifier of Construction
- Application for Temporary Occupation or use
- Application to extend period of use of limited-life building
- Application for Discharge or Variation of a Continuing Requirement
- Application to extend period of validity of Building Warrant
Site Start Notification
The following forms can be download, completed and submitted to Building Standards and Public Safety:
- Premises Licence Certificates
- Guidance for Front-of-Stage Barriers (PDF, 150 KB)(opens new window)
- Application for Erection and Use of Raised Structure (PDF, 171 KB)(opens new window)
The privacy statement that relates to the above application forms is the Planning and Building Standards Statutory Functions.
Documentation and Plan Searches
Applications can also be submitted for Documentation and Plan Searches about properties regarding Planning Applications, Decision Notices, Building Warrants, Completion Certificates or Letters of Comfort.