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Biodiversity is the variety of living things on earth, from the smallest insect to the largest mammal or tree. It encompasses the variation within species and the complexity of habitats where they are found. Biodiversity is not just restricted to rare species and threatened habitats; it includes the whole of the natural world.
However biodiversity is also about people, and how we use and share the environment with its other living inhabitants. It is very much about the quality of our lives, sustainability of development, and local distinctiveness; a healthy biodiversity is a reflection of a healthy and sustainable community.
We work with many partner organisations to implement Glasgow's Local Biodiversity Plan.
Where is biodiversity found in the City?
Biodiversity is found everywhere.
Glasgow's network of green spaces accounts for over a fifth of the city's total area, and the importance of these to the health and attractiveness of the city has long been recognised by us.
Many green spaces are so important for wildlife that they have statutory protection or have been identified in the City Development Plan as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). Using this policy and its associated land use designations we seek to protect, conserve and, where necessary, enhance the areas important to wildlife within the city.
Currently there are 5 nationally important 'Sites of Special Scientific Interest' (SSSIs) designated by NatureScot, 17 Local Nature Reserves and over 90 SINCs in the city.
We employ a small team of natural environment officers who promote public enjoyment of Glasgow's natural resources and advise on their management and protection.
How can I help?
Everyone has a part to play in the biodiversity process and there are lots of opportunities to actively get involved, from hands on volunteering at a local wildlife site, watching and recording wildlife, thinking about the wider impact of our everyday activities, or by getting out and enjoying our rich natural heritage.
Countryside rangers organise events and opportunities for community involvement in caring for the city's natural heritage.
Who is helping biodiversity?
Local action cannot take place without the enthusiasm and interest of local people, and depends on effective partnerships between local communities, landowners, businesses, a range of voluntary, public organisations and us. In Glasgow a local Biodiversity Partnership, comprising partner organisations and council services, has guided the development of the city's Local Biodiversity Action Plan.
How do we know what we've got?
Fundamental to understanding and conserving Glasgow's wildlife is a knowledge of what species occur, or are known to have formerly occurred, within Glasgow. An audit document was produced in 2001 listing the 3,545 species of animals, plants and fungi recorded within Glasgow (pre and post-1950). This has now been updated. There are currently over 6000 species recorded and this figure is likely to rise as new records are sent in to the Biological Records Centre.
Habitat Action Plans
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