City Centre Transport Plan
Glasgow City Council has published the City Centre Transport Plan (CCTP) which was approved at the City Administration Committee on 1 December 2022. The CCTP replaces the City Centre Transport Strategy 2014 - 2024 and provides a clear framework for transport decision-making in Glasgow City Centre.
The original name "City Centre Transformation Plan" caused confusion to some parties during the consultation and it was felt if the Plan primarily covers "Transport" then "Transport" should be in the title hence a formal name change when the Plan was adopted.
The CCTP ties in with other key policy documents such as the overarching Glasgow Transport Strategy, the city-wide Active Travel Strategy and the City Centre Strategic Development Framework (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window). The CCTP document can be read here (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window).
CCTP Consultation Documents (27 July to 12 September 2022)
- CCTP Consultation Feedback Report (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
- CCTP Public Drop-in Session slides (PDF, 12 MB)(opens new window)
- CCTP document (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window)
- CCTP document - summary version (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
- CCTP document - summary version (Gaelic) (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
- CCTP document - summary version (Mandarin) (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- CCTP document - summary version (Romanian) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
- CCTP document - summary version (Arabic) (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
CCTP Study Area/Map

Key Aims
- Re-allocate road space in Glasgow City Centre for active travel and green infrastructure;
- Deliver improved public transport and support/encourage a shift to more sustainable modes, particularly walking, cycling and public transport;
- Improve access for the mobility impaired;
- Achieve a 30-40% reduction in peak-hour private car traffic in Glasgow City Centre by 2030;
- Deliver improvements for servicing (e.g. goods, deliveries and waste collection) to improve the vitality of Glasgow City Centre;
- Support a doubling of Glasgow City Centre's population by 2035; and
- Support Glasgow's aim to be carbon neutral by 2030
Case for Change Report
The Council has prepared a Case for Change Report for the City Centre Transformation Plan (PDF, 9 MB)(opens new window).
Preliminary Option Appraisal
The purpose of this report is to present the findings of the Preliminary Options Appraisal. This is the second stage of the CCTP transport appraisal, and aims to appraise the transport options recommended from the previous stage, the Pre-appraisal (Initial Appraisal: Case for Change). The Preliminary Options Appraisal is largely qualitative but draws on available quantitative data and previous studies where appropriate.
- Preliminary Options Appraisal report (PDF, 732 KB)(opens new window)
- CCTP Engagement Strategy presentation (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Detail Options Appraisal
The purpose of this report is to present the findings of the Detailed Appraisal. This is the third stage of the CCTP transport appraisal, and provides a detailed appraisal of the transport options recommended from the preceding Preliminary Options Appraisal stage.
Delivery Plan
The CCTP Final Report (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window) was approved at Committee on 1 December 2022. The Delivery Plan is a key part of the Transport Strategy. Engagement on the Transport Strategy has identified strong support for the aims and objectives as set out in this strategy. However, the Council is very aware of the impact of Covid, and the challenges associated with economic disruption to key parts of the city economy and recognises the importance of continuing to work with partners and stakeholders to shape individual programmes and project initiatives. The Delivery Plan will need to build on a number of key partnerships and work closely with partner organisations to create a coordinated programme, align resources and wherever possible accelerate delivery. The Transport Plan requires close and collaborative working with a 'place -based focus' to address dependencies and a multitude of overlapping initiatives and programmes when advancing projects and delivering the commitments to net zero carbon. The high level and in-principle support advised through the consultation and engagement recognises the need for ongoing engagement on the implementation detail including developing partnership arrangements. A number of organisations and bodies are working to deliver elements shared with the Transport Strategy. Glasgow City Council will continue to work with all parties (Transport Scotland / Strathclyde Partnership for Transport/ Glasgow Bus Partnership / Glasgow Disability Alliance / etc) and all local stakeholders to support the delivery of the strategy.
Impact Assessment
An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) Screening has been undertaken. EqIA is a method or tool for assessing the effects or impacts of a council policy or function on removing barriers to equality.
Next Steps
A detailed Action Plan has been prepared for the CCTP which can be found in Section 6 of the CCTP Document. The next step to deliver this ambitious programme, will be to seek Funding from a variety of sources that have been identified. Funding has already been secured from Sustrans to undertake Action 1_0 - People First Zone to undertake the concept design work and to undertake Action 9_0 - Accessibility Audit.