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Learning Quarter DRF cultural and built heritage of Glasgow Cathedral, the Necropolis and the Royal Infirmary are at the heart of the city's identity. The cluster of innovators,...
People Who Provide Care or Are Cared For Exemption exemption from paying Council Tax for people who provide care or are cared for.
Disabled Person's Reduction reduction in Council Tax band for properties with features required by a disabled person.
Resident Carer Discount discount in Council Tax can apply where a person provides care or support to a person who is resident in the same property.
Glasgow Club Drumoyne to be leased to local football development group Villa Football Development, a local community organisation, is to be given a 25-year lease to run Glasgow Club Drumoyne by Glasgow City Council.
Glasgow declares housing emergency the City Administration Committee (CAC) on 30 November 2023, councillors agreed the unprecedented pressures facing the council in relation to homelessness ha...
Tenant Led Forum about the Tenant Led Forum and how to register.
Consultation offers chance to help shape Glasgow's City Development Plan consultation is now open on Glasgow's Development Plan Scheme, which provides key information to communities and stakeholders in the city regarding how they c...
Education Scotland Sketch Note for Glasgow City Council (Adobe pdf documents) quality professional learning hub Royston Centre LEARNING& TEACHING are higher quality Sustainable PROGRESS & RESULTS RAISED ATTAINMENT & ACHIEVEMENT +INVO...
Trading Standards and Enforcement on Trading Standards and enforcement.