GCHSCP Demographics and Needs Profile
Social Care
Tables 28a-c. Social Care - Children, Adults and Older People
Tables 28a.-c. include indicators relating to children, adults and older people who are in receipt of social care support or who may receive or be eligible for support.
Table 28a shows rates of looked after children, children on the Child Protection Register and children referred to the Children's Reporter (SCRA) for care or offence reasons for Glasgow, Scotland and the localities (where available). Table 28b gives information on adults receiving care at home (including personal care), direct payments or in long stay residential care while Table 28c has indicators relating to older people with high levels of care needs living at home, those receiving home care/free personal care and older people in long stay residential care.
Table 28a. Social Care - Children: Children Looked After, Children on the Child Protection Register and Children referred to the Children's Reporter, by Area/HSCP Locality
Area/HSCP Locality - percentage or rate per 1,000 population | |||||
Indicator | North East | North West | South | Glasgow City | Scotland |
Children looked after by the local authority (percentage of 0-17 population)1,2 | 2.3% | 1.7% | 1.1% | 1.7% | 1.2% |
Children on the Child Protection Register (0-15 - rate per 1,000 population)1,2 | 3.1 | 2.3 | 2.0 | 2.5 | 2.3 |
Children aged 0-15 referred to the Children's Reporter for Care & Protection (rate per 1,000 population)3 | 16.3 | 9.9 | |||
Children aged 8 -15 referred to the Children's Reporter for Offences (rate per 1,000 population)3 | 18.2 | 11.0 |
Source: 1. Glasgow HSCP careFirst - Looked After and Child Protection 11/6/24; NRS - 2022 Small Area Population Estimates (SAPE) (Locality and Glasgow rates); 2. Scottish Government Children's Social Work Statistics 2022/23 (Scotland rate); 3. Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) - Scottish Children's Reporters Administration 2022/23.
Key Points (Table 28a)
- There is variability in rates of both looked after children and those on the Child Protection Register between the localities, Glasgow and Scotland.
- The Glasgow looked after children rate of 1.7% is 42% higher than the Scotland rate of 1.2%, with locality rates ranging from 1.1% for South to 1.7% for North West and 2.3% for North East.
- The Glasgow rate of children on the Child Protection Register of 2.5 per 1,000 population is higher than the Scotland rate of 2.3, with locality rates within Glasgow ranging from 2.0 for South to 2.3 for North West and 3.1 for North East, per 1,000 population.
- The Glasgow rates of children referred to the Scottish Children's Reporters Administration (SCRA) are both far higher than the Scotland rates. For Glasgow, 16.3 children per 1,000 population aged 0-15 were referred to SCRA for Care and Protection reasons compared to 9.9 children per 1,000 for Scotland. For offence reasons, Glasgow referred 18.2 children per 1,000 population aged 8-15 to SCRA compared to 11.0 children per 1,000 referred across Scotland.
Table 28b. Social Care - Adults, by Area
Area - no. people or % | |||||
Indicator | Glasgow City | Scotland | Other information/notes | ||
People aged 18+ with high levels of care needs receiving personal care at home or direct payments for personal care (percentage of all people 18+ with high levels of care needs)1 | 59.2% | 63.5% | |||
Adults aged 18-64 in long stay residential care (number of people)2 | 453 | 2,590 | Glasgow number is 17.5% of Scottish total compared to Glasgow's 12.8% share of Scotland's 18-64 years population. | ||
People aged 18-64 receiving care at home during the last week of the financial year (number of people)3 | 2,600 | 16,670 | Glasgow number is 15.6% of Scottish total compared to Glasgow's 12.9% share of Scotland's 18-64 years population. | ||
People aged 18-64 receiving personal care services at home (during the last week of the financial year)3 | no. | 1,980 | 12,460 | Glasgow number is 15.9% of Scottish total compared | |
% | 76.2% | 74.7% | to Glasgow's 12.8% share of Scotland's 18-64 ppn. |
Source: 1. Adapted from PHS Core Suite of Integration Indicators 2022, 4 Jul 2023; Public Health Scotland data licensed under the Open Government Licence; 2. Scottish Care Homes Census as at 31 March 2023; 3. Scottish Government Free Personal and Nursing Care Statistics 2022/23.
Key Points (Table 28b)
- 59.2% of Glasgow adults aged 18+ who have high levels of care needs, are cared for at home. This is lower than the Scotland rate of 63.5%.
- 453 Glasgow adults aged 18-64 are in long stay residential care, representing 17.5% of the Scottish total number. This percentage is higher than Glasgow's 12.9% share of the 18-64 years population of Scotland.
- 2,600 Glasgow adults were receiving care at home during the last week of the financial year (March 2023), representing 15.6% of the Scottish total number. This percentage is higher than Glasgow's 12.9% share of the 18-64 years population of Scotland.
- 1,980 (76.2%) of these Glasgow adults receiving care at home during the last week of the financial year were in receipt of personal care, similar to the 74.7% of all Scottish adults receiving care at home in this week.
Table 28c. Social Care - Older People, by Area
Area - no. people or % | |||||
Indicator | Glasgow City | Scotland | Other information/notes | ||
People aged 65+ with high levels of care needs at home (percentage of all people 65+ with high levels of care needs)1 | 37.9% | 36.7% | |||
People aged 65+ in long stay residential care (number of people)2 | 3,271 | 30,129 | Glasgow number is 10.9% of Scottish total compared to Glasgow's 8.0% share of Scotland's 65+ population. | ||
People aged 65+ receiving care at home during the last week of the financial year (number of people)3 | 4,900 | 47,250 | Glasgow number is 10.4% of Scottish total compared to Glasgow's 8.0% share of Scotland's 65+ population. | ||
People aged 65+ receiving personal care services at home (during the last week of the financial year)3 | no. | 4,760 | 45,150 | Glasgow number is 10.5% of Scottish total compared | |
% | 97.1% | 95.6% | to Glasgow's 8.0% share of Scotland's 65+ population |
Source: 1. Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) - Scottish Government Community Care Statistics 2022/23; 2. Scottish Care Homes Census as at 31 March 2023; 3. Scottish Government Free Personal and Nursing Care Statistics 2022/23.
Key Points (Table 28c)
- 37.9% of Glasgow's older people aged 65+ who have high levels of care needs, live at home. This is higher than the 36.7% for Scotland overall.
- Glasgow has 3,271 people aged 65+ living in long stay residential care and 4,900 people aged 65+ in receipt of home care. Almost all (97.1%) of those receiving home care are receiving personal care at home.