GCHSCP Demographics and Needs Profile
Profile Data Sources and Links
Ref. | Source | Further detail | Link | Frequency of update | next release due |
1 | Alzheimer's Scotland | Estimated prevalence of adults with dementia, 2017 | Alzheimer's Scotland Dementia Prevalence 2017 | not specified | not specified |
2 | Department of Work and Pensions statistics (DWP) | Various DWP benefits statistics | Stat-Xplore | continuous | continuous |
3 | End Child Poverty | Local Child Poverty Rates (after Housing Costs) 2021/22 | End Child Poverty Local Child Poverty data | annual | not specified |
4 | Improvement Service (IS) | Sub-Council Area Population Projections (2018 based) | Improvement Service Sub-Council Area Population Projections 2018 | not specified | not specified |
5 | National Records of Scotland (NRS) | Small Area Population Estimates (SAPE) 2022 | NRS Small Area Population Estimates (SAPE) - mid 2022 | annual | Aug-25 |
6 | National Records of Scotland (NRS) | Healthy Life Expectancy 2019 to 2021 | Healthy Life Expectancy 2019-2021 | annual | Dec-24 |
7 | National Records of Scotland (NRS) | 2018 population projections | NRS Sub National Projections (2018 based) | usually every 2 years | Apr-25 |
8 | National Records of Scotland (NRS) | 2022 drug related death statistics | NRS Drug-related Deaths in Scotland 2022 (archived) | annual | Aug-24 |
9 | National Records of Scotland (NRS) | Estimates of Households and Dwellings in Scotland (2022) | NRS Household Estimates 2022 (archived) | annual | Jun-24 |
10 | National Records of Scotland (NRS) | Homeless Deaths 2022 | NRS Homeless Deaths 2022 (archived) | annual | Nov-24 |
11 | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey - Glasgow City | 2022/23 Glasgow City Report | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey 2022-23 - Glasgow City Report | every 3 years | not specified |
12 | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey - Glasgow North East Locality | 2022/23 Glasgow North East Locality Report | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey 2022-23 Glasgow North East Locality Report | every 3 years | not specified |
13 | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey - Glasgow North West Locality | 2022/23 Glasgow North West Locality Report | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey 2022-23 - Glasgow North West Locality Report | every 3 years | not specified |
14 | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey - Glasgow South Locality | 2022/23 Glasgow South Locality Report | NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey 2022-23 - South Locality Report | every 3 years | not specified |
15 | NHSGGC Schools Health and Well-being Survey - Glasgow City | 2019/20 Report | NHSGGC Glasgow City Schools Health and Wellbeing Survey Report 2019/20 | replaced by SG Schools Census | replaced by SG Schools Census |
16 | NOMIS Labour Market Statistics | Glasgow Labour Market Profile | NOMIS Glasgow Labour Market Profile | continuous | continuous |
17 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Core suite of Integration indicators 2021/22 | PHS Core Suite of Integration Indicators | annual | Jul-24 |
18 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Infant Feeding Statistics 2022/23 | PHS Infant Feeding Statistics | annual | Nov-24 |
19 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Dental Statistics - Registration and Participation as at 30 Sept 2022 | PHS Dental Statistics - Registration and Participation | indicators changing from 2024 | indicators changing from 2024 |
20 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Stroke Statistics 2022/23 | PHS Stroke Statistics | annual | Jan-25 |
21 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Unintentional Injuries Statistics 2022/23 | PHS Unintentional Injuries Statistics | annual | Oct-24 |
22 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Prevalence of problem drug users 2015/16 | PHS Prevalence of Problem Drug Use in Scotland 2015-16 Estimates | every 3 years | not specified |
23 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Teenage pregnancies - year of conception ending 31 Dec 2021 | PHS Teenage Pregnancies | annual | Jul-24 |
24 | Public Health Scotland (PHS) | Scottish Care Home Census as at 31 March 2023 | PHS Care Home Census for Adults in Scotland | annual | Nov-24 |
25 | Scotland's Census 2011, 2022 | Prevalence rates derived from census (applied to recent population estimates) | Scotland's Census | every 10 years | interactive data tool now available |
26 | Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) | Children referred to SCRA in reporting year by grounds for referral | Official Statistics - SCRA | annual | Jun-24 |
27 | Scottish Government Statistics | Carers Census Scotland - unpaid carers being supported by Local Authorities and Carer Centres | Carers Census Scotland | annual | Dec-24 |
28 | Scottish Government Statistics | (Schools) Health and Well-being Census 2021/22 (experimental statistics) | Scottish Government Health and Wellbeing Census (Schools) Scotland 2021/22 | every 3 years | not specified |
29 | Scottish Government Statistics | Pupil Census Supplementary Statistics 2023 | Scottish Government Pupil Census Supplementary Statistics | annual | Mar-25 |
30 | Scottish Government Statistics | Children's Social Work Statistics 2022/23 | Scottish Government Childrens Social Work Statistics | annual | Apr-25 |
31 | Scottish Government Statistics | Homelessness Statistics 2022/23 | Scottish Government Homelessness Statistics | annual | Aug-24 |
32 | Scottish Government Statistics | Free Personal Nursing Care Statistics 2022/23 | Scottish Government Free Personal and Nursing Care Scotland Statistics | annual | Sep-24 |
33 | Scottish Government Statistics | Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics in Scotland 2022/23 | Scottish Government Justice Social Work Statistics | annual | Jan-25 |
34 | Scottish Government Statistics | Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) 2019/20 and 2021/22 | Scottish Crime and Justice Survey | every 2 years | not specified |
35 | Scottish Government Statistics | Recorded Crime in Scotland 2022/23 | Scottish Government Recorded Crime in Scotland | annual | Jun-24 |
36 | Scottish Government Statistics | Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations no. 6, 2024 | Scottish Government Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations no. 6, 2024 | annual | Feb-25 |
37 | Scottish Government Statistics | School Attendance and Absence Statistics 2022/23 | Scottish Government School Attendance and Absence Statistics | every 2 years | Mar-26 |
38 | Scottish Government Statistics | Education Outcomes of Looked After Children 2021/22 | Scottish Government Education Outcomes of Looked After Children | annual | Aug-24 |
39 | Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) | 2021 main report | Scottish Health Survey | annual | Dec-24 |
40 | Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) | Indicators for period 2016 to 2019 and 2018 to 2022 except 2020 | Scottish Health Survey (dashboard) | annual | Autumn 2024 |
41 | Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) | Local authority analysis 2017/19 | Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) Local Authority Analyses | not specified | not specified |
42 | Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) | 2022 Key Findings national report | Scottish House Condition Survey 2022 Key Findings | annual | Feb-25 |
43 | Scottish Household Survey (SHS) | 2019 data explorer | Scottish Household Survey | not specified | not specified |
44 | Scottish Household Survey (SHS) | 2022 Key Findings | Scottish Household Survey Publications | annual | Dec-24 |
45 | Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) | 2020 reports and data (inc. revised) | Scottish Index Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2020 | 3 yearly | not specified |
46 | Scottish Public Health Observatory Profiles (ScotPHO) | Various indicators and data from a number of primary data sources, at different time intervals | ScotPHO profiles tool | quarterly | Jun-24 |
47 | Scottish Government Statistics | Scottish Survey Core Questions (SSCQ): harmonised results across 3 main Scottish Government household surveys, 2022 | Scottish Surveys Core Questions | usually annual | Apr-25 |
48 | Skills Development Scotland Statistics (SDS) | Annual Participation Measure 2023 | Skills Development Scotland Annual Participation Measure | annual | Aug-24 |
49 | Social Security Scotland Statistics | Scottish Child Payment: high level statistics to 30 Sept 2023 | Social Security Scotland Scottish Child Payment Statistics | quarterly | Feb-25 |
50 | Social Security Scotland Statistics | Social Security Scotland Young Carer Grant High Level Statistics to 30 Sept 2023 | Social Security Scotland Young Carer Grant Statistics | every 6 months | Jul-24 |
51 | UK Government Official Statistics | Children in Low Income Families Statistics 2022/23 | UK Government Statistics Children in Low Income Families Local Area Statistics | annual | Mar-25 |
52 | UK Government Statistics (Home Office) | Asylum and Resettlement - Local Authority Data as at 31 Mar 24 | UK Government Immigration System Statistics | quarterly | Jun-24 |
Useful Links
The following list contains links to other data sources not covered in this profile:
Hyperlink and web-page name | Web-page content |
Glasgow City HSCP performance reports | The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 requires Integration Joint Boards to publish an Annual Performance Report (APR). These reports are available via this link. They look back upon the last financial year, reflecting upon Glasgow City HSCP's performance against agreed local and national performance indicators and in delivering the commitments set out within the Integration Joint Board's (IJB) latest Strategic Plan. Quarterly performance reports are also available. These reports are then scrutinised by citywide and locality management teams as well as the Integration Joint Board's Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee. |
Glasgow City HSCP Health Improvement Annual Report 2022/23 | This report gives the headlines and some narrative of work led, delivered and supported in the year 2022-23, by Glasgow City HSCP's Health Improvement Service. |
Glasgow City Youth Health Improvement Annual Report 2023/24 | This is a brief infographic style report capturing highlights of the work delivered by The Glasgow City HSCP Youth Health Improvement task groups in relation to Glasgow's youth health priorities. The report highlights work around training and capacity building, partner engagement and health improvement resources. The report also highlights next steps for the year ahead following the launch of the Glasgow City Health Improvement Strategic Direction 2023-28. |
Glasgow City Council Factsheets, Data and Statistics | Information on demographic and Socio-economic data, council factsheets, Glasgow Open Data Hub and links to statistical websites. |
Glasgow City HSCP Strategies and Plans | This webpage provides links to the key strategies and plans of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. |
Glasgow Community Plan 2024 | This Glasgow Community Plan 2024-2034 makes addressing poverty the overriding priority of the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership (the Partnership) and sets out how the partnership has agreed to act on poverty over the next ten years. |
Health and Care Experience Survey | 9 of the National Integration Indicators are derived from the biennial Scottish Health and Care Experience survey (HACE) which provides feedback in relation to people's experiences of their health and care services. Results from the latest Health and Care Experience Survey (2023/24) are available via this link. |
Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH) | Since 2004, GCPH have sought to generate insights and evidence, support new approaches, and inform and influence action to improve health and tackle inequality. Working with a wide range of partners, they conduct research of direct relevance to policy and practice; facilitate and stimulate the exchange of ideas, fresh thinking and debate; and support processes of development and change. The site hosts lots of information and publications relevant to the health and wellbeing of Glasgow's people including health profiles, trends and the Understanding Glasgow website which includes health and wellbeing indicators published in 2014 and 2016. |
ScotPHO Scottish Burden of Disease | The Scottish Burden of Disease (SBoD) study is a national, and local, population health surveillance system which monitors how diseases, injuries and risk factors prevent the Scottish population from living longer lives in better health. It is available on the Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) website. SBoD standardises estimates of ill-health and early death in a composite measure called Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), also referred to as health loss. It does this by framing ill-health and premature mortality in terms of health loss as a function of time. |
Growing Up in Scotland Study | Growing Up in Scotland is a longitudinal study following the lives of young people. The latest report is based on data collected in 2019/20, when participants were 14 years, from 2,943 families. The report presents high level findings relating to young people's experiences across a range of life domains. |
Glossary of Terms
Term | Definition |
Annual Participation Measure | This reports on the economic and employment activity of 16-19 year olds in Scotland and is the source of the Scottish Government's National Performance indicator "Percentage of young adults (16-19 year olds) participating in education, training or employment" |
Asylum Seeker | A refugee is a person who has fled their own country because they are at risk of serious human rights violations and persecution there. The risks to their safety and life were so great that they felt they had no choice but to leave and seek safety outside their country because their own government cannot or will not protect them from those dangers. Refugees have a right to international protection. |
careFirst | CareFirst is the web-based case management system used by Glasgow Social Work Services to record care arrangements, statutory interventions and related events pertaining to social care service users |
Child Protection Register | If a child is believed to be at risk of significant harm, their name will be added to the Child Protection Register |
Children referred to the Children's Reporter (SCRA) | Anyone can make a referral to the Reporter - parents, family members, carers or any concerned member of the public can contact the Children's Reporter if they have concerns about a child or young person and their circumstances |
Community or monetary penalties | Non-custodial outcomes of Criminal Justice Social Work Reports that are community based including community payback orders, drug treatment and testing orders or monetary fines |
Criminal Justice Social Work Report (CJSWR) | This report represents a social worker's professional assessment for the court to assist in the sentencing process of an individual. It provides information on social work interventions and how these may prevent or reduce further offending. The CJSWR must be requested before imposing a custodial sentence for the first time or where a person is under 21; when imposing a community payback order with a supervision requirement or level 2 (over 100 hours) unpaid work or other activity requirement and when imposing a drug treatment and testing order |
Custodial sentence | Custodial outcome of Criminal Justice Social Work Report otherwise known as a jail or a prison sentence |
Data zones | Data zones are 'stable' small geographical areas made up of 500 to 1,000 people, used to report some official statistics including the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. Data zones fit within council area boundaries |
Demographic | Demographic analysis relates to the structure of a population looking at factors such as age, ethnicity and sex as well as socioeconomic data, for example employment, education, income, birth and death rates |
Doric | Doric is the Scots language as spoken in the north east of Scotland and one of 3 native languages spoken in Scotland. The others are Gaelic and Scots |
Electoral wards | Glasgow is split into 23 electoral wards also known as multi-member wards for the purposes of local authority government, with 3 or 4 councillors elected to serve in each ward |
Equalities | Equalities refers to the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 which sets out a public sector general equality duty that requires public authorities to pay due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, victimisation and harassment; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations, across the protected characteristics. These are age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation, and (to a limited extent) marriage and civil partnership |
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP) | Under Health and Social Care Integration, Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are jointly planning and delivering all of Glasgow's community health and social care services - for children, adults and older people, including homelessness and criminal justice services. This is being done as the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, which is directed by the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board |
HSCP localities | GCHSCP is divided into 3 localities of North East, North West and South to allow for focus on local needs and issues and local accountability, within the overarching direction of the citywide Strategic Plan. |
Looked after children | Children may become looked after for various reasons including abuse or neglect at home, having complex disabilities requiring specialist care or involvement in the youth justice system. Looked After Children according to the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 are broadly defined as those in the care of their local authority. They may live with their parents, kinship carers, foster carers, in children's houses or in other residential placements. |
Multi-member wards | Glasgow is split into 23 multi-member wards also known as electoral wards for the purposes of local authority government, with 3 or 4 councillors elected to serve in each ward |
Neighbourhoods | Glasgow is subdivided into 56 smaller geographical areas known as neighbourhoods. |
Official Statistics | Official Statistics are those produced by an organisation named by the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007. Organisations include National Records of Scotland, Public Health Scotland and the Scottish Government. Many are classed as "National Statistics", assessed by the Office for Statistics Regulation as fully compliant with the Code of Practice for Statistics, and are reliable statistics that can be used for decision making. Some are classed as "experimental statistics", which are newly developed or innovative statistics. |
Positive destinations | Positive destinations refer to economic status and these are higher education, further education, training, employment, voluntary work, Personal Skills Development and (between 2010/11 and 2017/18) Activity Agreements. |
Refugee | A refugee is a person who has fled their own country because they are at risk of serious human rights violations and persecution there. The risks to their safety and life were so great that they felt they had no choice but to leave and seek safety outside their country because their own government cannot or will not protect them from those dangers. Refugees have a right to international protection. |
Scotland's Census | Scotland's Census is the official count of every person and household in the country. There has been a census in Scotland every 10 years since 1801, except 1941. The 2021 census in Scotland was moved to 2022 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The answers people give to census questions help build up a picture of the population. Government and other service providers rely on census data to make important decisions. |
Scots | Scots is one of 3 native languages spoken in Scotland. The other are Gaelic and Doric |
Scottish Population Surveys | These are major population surveys used to inform the policy debate in Scotland which take place every year or every 2 years. They include the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS), the Scottish Household Survey (SHS), the Scottish Health and Care Experience Survey (HACE) and the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS). The Scottish Survey Core Questions (SSCQ) harmonises key questions common to the 3 main household surveys to give more robust reliable results. |
Social Capital | Social capital refers to the (mostly) beneficial interactions of people and their relationships, connectivity and networks. These can be with people who do or don't know each other. |
Social Health | Social health refers to the relationships people have and how they interact with others. A person with good social health would be likely to engage with other people in their community, have the ability to develop and maintain friendships, be able to create boundaries in friendships/relationships and have a supportive network of family and friends. |
Social Security Scotland | Social Security Scotland is part of the Scottish Government and is an Executive Agency set up to administer the new devolved social security system according to the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018. Some benefits are new, and some have transferred from DWP. |