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GCHSCP Demographics and Needs Profile

Social Health/Social Capital

Table 31a-b Social Health/Capital and Home Internet Access by Area/HSCP Locality

Table 31a shows a number of indicators of social health or capital for Glasgow and Scotland school pupils including participation in 'positive' activities such as sports, charity work or religion, views on where they live and feeling safe there and home internet access.

Table 31b lists similar indicators relating to Glasgow adults covering belonging, local friendships, social support, volunteering, isolation, loneliness, mostly by locality and at Glasgow City level. The percentage of Glasgow households with home internet access is also included.

Table 31a. Pupils' Social Health/Capital and Home Internet Access by Area

 Area - percentage of pupils
IndicatorGlasgow CityScotlandOther information/notes
Pupils participating in "positive behaviours" in the last year eg. sports, volunteering, charity, religion (% S1-3 pupils)Males84.7%83.1%Glasgow All % decreases by stage from 85.1% at S1 to 79.1% at S3.
Pupils who generally felt safe in their local area most or all of the time (% P5 - S6 pupils)Males83.0%87.8%Glasgow All % varies by stage from 79.8% at P5 to 85.2% at S1.
Pupils who think their area is a good place to live (% P5 - S6 pupils)Males59.3%66.9%Glasgow All % decreases by stage from 62.6% at P5 to 51.2% at S3.
Pupils with home internet access on a phone or other device (% P5 - S6 pupils)All97.9%98.3%No difference between Glasgow boys/girls. % increases from 94.7% P5 to 97.6% at P6 then remains at around 99.0% from S1-6. 

Source: Scottish Government (Schools) Health and Well-being Census 2021/22

Key Points (Table 31a)

  1. More than four-fifths of Glasgow S1-3 pupils (81.9%) have participated in positive behaviours in the last year such as sports, drama or dance activities, charity events, religion or voluntary work. Participation is higher for Glasgow boys (84.7%) than girls (79.2%) and figures are similar for Scotland (All 81.2%, boys 83.1%, girls 79.1%).
  2. More than four-fifths of Glasgow P5-S6 pupils (82.3%) generally felt safe in their local area most or all of the time compared to 87.0% of Scotland's pupils.
  3. Overall, more than half of Glasgow P5-S6 pupils (57.9%) think their area is a good place to live. This is lower than the 65.5% of Scottish pupils who think this.
  4. Nearly all of Glasgow's (97.9%) and Scotland's (98.3%) P5-S6 pupils have access to the internet at home on a phone or other device.

Table 31b. Adults (16+) Social Health/Capital and Households Internet Access by Area/HSCP Locality

 Area/HSCP Locality - percentage of adults or households
IndicatorNorth EastNorth WestSouthGlasgow CityOther information/notes
People who belong to clubs/associations/groups (adults 16+)1  23.0%28.0%23.0%25.0%All adults - 15% most deprived data zone areas (mdd) 18%; Other areas 29%.  Variation by age - 16-24 33%; 25-34 19%; 75+ 27%
People who have volunteered as an individual in the last year (adults 16+)115.0%21.0%20.0%19.0%All adults - 15% mdd 16%; Other areas 21%. Variation by age - 16-24 17%; 45-54 22%; 75+ 9%.
People with a positive perception
of social support available to them
(adults 16+)1
Males81.0%77.0%80.0%79.0%All adults - 15% mdd 79%; Other areas 84%. Variation by age - 16-24 79%; 35-44 83%; 75+ 91%
People who value the local
friendships they have (adults 16+)1
Males 63.0% 69.0%All adults variation by age - 16-24 70%; 45-54 75%; 75+ 80%.
Females 70.0% 72.0%
Households with home internet access2   87.1%91.3% for Scotland overall ranging from 84% (SIMD Q1) to 96% (SIMD Q5) or 69% (HH income 6-10K) to 99% (HH income 40K+). By age, 99% of people 16-34 use the internet compared to 76% of those 60+. 
People who feel isolated from friends and family (adults 16+)120.3%23.7%22.0%22.1%All adults variation by age - 16-24 18%; 55-64 25%; 75+ 30%
People who have felt lonely in the
last 2 weeks (adults 16+)1
Males   24.0%All adults - 15% mdd 31%; Other areas 25%. Variation by age - 16-24 27%; 45-54 29%; 75+ 41%
Females   30.0%

source: 1. NHSGGC Adult Health and Well-being Survey - Glasgow City and Locality Reports 2022/23; 2. 2022 Scottish Household Survey (SHS).

Key Points (Table 31b)

  1. 25.0% of Glasgow adults belong to clubs, associations or groups with similar rates in the three localities. There are differences by age, with higher rates of younger people aged 16-24 (33.0%) and older people aged 75+ (27.0%) belonging to such organisations than those aged 25-34 (19.0%). The rate of Glasgow adults living in areas among the 15% most deprived data zones who belong to organisations (18.0%) is far lower than the rate for people from other areas (29.0%).
  2. 19.0% of all Glasgow adults have volunteered in the last year, ranging in the localities from 15.0% in North East to 20.0% in South and 21.0% in North West. The percentage of Glasgow adults living in other areas who have volunteered in the last year (21.0%) is around a third higher than that of those living in the 15% most deprived data zone areas (16.0%).
  3. 82.0% of Glasgow adults have a positive perception of social support available to them, with a higher percentage of women (85.0%) than men (79.0%) having this.
  4. 71.0% of Glasgow adults value the local friendships they have with a higher percentage of women (72.0%) than men (69.0%) valuing these. The North East and South locality rates of 73.0% of adults who value local friendships are higher than the 66.0% North West locality rate.
  5. 87.1% of all Glasgow households have home internet access.
  6. 22.1% of all Glasgow adults feel isolated from friends and family with this percentage varying between age groups . A lower rate of young adults aged 16-24 (18.0%) feel isolated from friends and family than 55-64 year olds (25.0%) and 75+ adults (30.0%).
  7. 27.4% of all Glasgow adults have felt lonely in the last 2 weeks with this affecting women (30.0%) more than men (24.0%). A higher percentage of adults in the North West (30.1%) have felt lonely in the last 2 weeks than those in the North East (29.1%) or South (23.3%) localities.


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