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GCHSCP Demographics and Needs Profile

Unpaid Carers

Tables 29a-b. Child/Young Carers and Adult Carers

Tables 29a.-b. show the percentage of Glasgow children, school pupils and adults who are unpaid carers and those in receipt of Young Carer's Grant or Carer's Allowance for Glasgow, Scotland and locality (where available). These tables also show the number of unpaid child and adult carers in Scotland being supported by a local authority or carer's centre. 

Table 29a. Child/Young Carer Indicators by Area

 Area - no. children or %
IndicatorGlasgow CityScotlandOther information/notes
Child Carers (age 3-15)1 1.7%1.8% 
Unpaid Carers (under 18) being supported by a local authority or carer's centre5 6,800 
Young Carer Grant* (no. authorised applications)21,57510,4508.0% Glasgow 16-18 year olds awarded grant compared to 6.0% Scotland's 16-18 year olds4.
Pupils who care for someone because they have a disability, an illness, a drug or alcohol problem, a mental health problem or problems related to old age (P7-S6 pupils)325.0%  

Source: 1. NRS - Scotland's Census 2022; 2. Social Security Scotland Young Carer Grant High Level Statistics to 30 Sept 2023; 3. Scottish Government (Schools) Health and Well-being Census 2021/22 - supplementary tables; 4. NRS - mid 2022 Small Area Population Estimates (SAPE); 5. Carers Census Scotland 2022/23.

Notes: *Young Carer Grant is an annual payment of £359.65 (Apr 23) that can be applied for annually by young carers aged 16, 17, and 18 who care for someone normally paid a qualifying disability benefit. The period covered by the statistics is 21 Oct 2019 to 30 Sept 2023.

Key Points (Table 29a)

  1. 1.7% of Glasgow children aged 3-15 are unpaid carers compared to 1.8% of all Scottish children, according to the 2022 Census.
  2. 6,800 of Scotland's child unpaid carers are supported by a local authority or carer's centre.
  3. Since its introduction in late 2019, 1,575 Glasgow young people have been awarded the Young Carer Grant, representing 8.0% of the 16-18 years Glasgow population. A lower rate of 6.0% of Scottish 16-18 year olds have been awarded the grant.
  4. One quarter (25.0%) of Glasgow P7-S6 pupils provide unpaid care to someone because they have a disability, an illness, a drug or alcohol problem, a mental health problem or problems related to old age.

Table 29b. Adult Carer Indicators by Area/HSCP Locality

 Area/HSCP Locality - no. adults or percentage
IndicatorNorth EastNorth WestSouthGlasgow CityScotlandOther information/notes
Adults providing unpaid care to others (% all 16+)113.9%11.0%14.0%12.9%13.5% 
Adults in receipt of Carers Allowance
(no. of adults 16+)
Males   4,44826,409Glasgow % is 1.7% of male 16+ population
Females   9,15459,193Glasgow % is 3.4% of female 16+ population
All 16+   13,60285,602Glasgow % is 2.6% of total 16+ population
Unpaid Carers (18+) being supported
by a local authority or carer's centre3
Males    8,780 
Females    28,680 
All 18+    37,460 

Source: 1. Scotland's Census 2022; 2. Carer's Allowance Cases in Payment - DWP (Nov 2023); 3. Carers Census Scotland 2022/23.

Key Points (Table 29b)

  1. 12.9% of Glasgow adults and 13.5% of Scotland's adults aged 16+ are unpaid carers. There is variability within Glasgow with 11.0% of adults in North West providing unpaid care compared to 13.9% in North East and 14.0% in South.
  2. The adults in receipt of Carers Allowance indicator shows that 2.6% of the Glasgow adult population are in receipt of this benefit, which is far lower than the 12.9% of adults who are unpaid carers. 3.4% of the female Glasgow 16+ population receive this benefit, double the 1.7% rate for Glasgow adult males.
  3. More than 37,000 of Scotland's adult unpaid carers are supported by a local authority or carer's centre, more than three quarters of which are females (76.6%).


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